Missing Link. Artspace Flipside. (Curatorial | group show)

Missing Link, a group show, curated by Alexandra Crouwers.
19.10.2013 – 27.10.2013 (During the Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven)
44 Works by 14 artists in a space of about 60m2 and 6 meters high.

Works by: Hans Biezen (Nl/Se), Antoine Boute (B), Geoffrey De Beer (B), Fia Cielen (B), Jean De Lacoste (B), Jan Dietvorst (Nl), Bart Van Dijck (B), Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans (Se/Nl), Erwin Van Looveren (B), Kelly Richardson (Ca/Uk), Guy Rombouts (B), Yannick Val Gesto (B), Tim Vanhamel (B), Filip Vervaet (B)


Exhibition view: banners by Guy Rombouts.



Luk Sponselee, director of Artspace Flipside, has made a quick video walkthrough:

On thursday the 24th a ‘midissage’ took place at the space with TYSMFYH, MEAN, The City Hollers, DJ’s – Tim Vanhamel – and food.
Taken into account that budget and time were extremely tight, and the space not exactly a white cube, the exhibtion comes rather close to what I had in mind: something remniscent of a cabinet, altars, or a museum for anthropology. In that sense this exhibition was an experiment: a relatively large amount of works in very different media (video, sculpture, photo, print), connected in an installation-like environment. This immersive environment made quite an impact on the visitors.

Missing Link has been archived here.