Artist Geoffrey de Beer is working on a continuous project, ‘Avant Garde below zero’. Next to numerous other artists I’ve also contributed an especially made edition to this project. Geoffreys freezers are placed in the Verbeke Foundation. My work consists out of an ordinairy small cardboard box in which three instructions can be found. Each instruction relates to a location, a date and a time and short preperations for getting to the specified location. Hidden under a small card, there’s a description of what could happen to you, when visiting these locations. It’s rather mysterious and the work is actually only text-based, though there’s a cd with soundtracks provided. I came up with this idea because it’s sometimes so utterly impossible to capture a certain important moment in a certain important place at a certain important time into an artwork or a text. The only thing I can do in terms of trying to communicate this effect, is to send the public to these locations in circumstances similar to the ones that I was in at those times.

I’m actually thinking about transforming these instructions into three animations, so they’ll be used anyway. There’s a time and place for everything.